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Shoes Tester
Shoes tester

ESD Testers measure electrostatic discharge by monitoring the surface resistance level to determine whether it is within an acceptable range for safety. An alarm and LED indication (green or red lights) is often used to indicate this. Regular testing of ESD wrist straps and grounding cords This ESD testers measures the resistance of the external circuit between the metal contact button and the cord connectors or the foot test plates. ESD testers use wrist bands, cords, plates and footwear to connect to the operator. The operator's body resistance and the fingertip button contacts are all part of the circuit. In case of a failure being indicated, determine whether the wrist strap or the footwear alone is failing by ensuring that the other elements of the circuit are sound .

ESD Floor Mat
ESD Floor Mat

ESD rubber mat or conductive ground mats should be laid out in the workshops and advanced laboratories for microelectronic industries such as electronic semi-conduct devices, electronic computers, electronic communication equipment and integrated circuits and etc, to eliminate damages caused by static electricity. rubber mats (ground mats) are laid out and grounded, the working surface will discharge the static electricity of human bodies so that a near-equipotential can be maintained for ESD tweezers, tools, utensils and instruments, through which human bodies contact the working table and static sensitive devices (SSD) are free from broadband interference produced by static discharging

Wrist strap Monitoring System
Wrist strap Monitoring System

It is a device that measures the internal resistance of the body in conjunction with the wearable device relative to the system ground. which is according to ASIN / ESD 20.20 (Resistance to Ground Electrostatic Discharge). The minimum resistance permissible pass is 825 k W ( + 20%), below this it is deemed to fail. The maximum resistance permissible pass is a value of 8.5 MW (+ 20%). If it is higher than this, it is considered failed. objects within 30 cm to check if there are employees working in that area or not. which if there are employees to work in that area and the wrist strap is not plugged in, or if the resistance value is not in the standard range. will count for 5 seconds, if the resistance value has not changed or within the standard range or out of the area, the machine will an alarm.

Industrial Building


Computer Robot


Adult Students


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